Stark is hesitant to the idea, mentioning Sentry as an example, but eventually agrees Reed Richards does as well.

Strange can do it, but he has to talk to Tony Stark and Mister Fantastic about it first. In part three of “One Moment in Time,” instead of being visited by a certain malevolent demon, Spider-Man goes to Doctor Strange to ask him if he can make everyone forget his true identity. His family is constantly in Kingpin’s crosshairs because of who they’re associated with. And it won’t be the last time Spider-Man makes such a request… THE NEW SORCERER SUPREME This is one of the few times that Jameson admits that Spider-Man is a hero, but no one will ever remember what happened because Spider-Man asks Doctor Strange to wipe their memories. Mordo fails, and everyone is teleported back to New York. Is it truly a Spider-Man and Doctor Strange team-up if there isn’t a trip to a bizarre, alternate world? It is also revealed that Baron Mordo wants to use the captured people as a sacrifice to obtain immense power from his patron, Enigma (who is actually Dormammu). The lantern is found, but then it’s used to trap a lot of people, including Flash Thompson and Liz Allan, in another dimension.

The good doctor gives Spider-Man “lantern sense” since he came in contact with the lantern. Not long after this meeting, Spider-Man runs into Doctor Strange. Jonah Jameson, Spider-Man encounters the exact men who are using the lantern to mug a woman. One night, Doctor Strange learns from the Ancient One that two regular humans have obtained a powerful artifact called the Lantern of Lantarr. The team return to Earth with Xandu and leave Melinda, who becomes the Queen of the Death Dimension. Spider-Man does what should have been done after the first time the Wand of Watoomb was used for evil: he breaks it.

If Spider-Man doesn’t return to his body within 24 hours, Peter goes poof! One body swap, a fake Gwen Stacy, an Uncle Ben guilt trip, and multiple quakes in another dimension later, Xandu is defeated. The demons raid the Sanctum Sanctorum, and Spider-Man is pushed out of his body and is possessed by none other than Xandu. With Melinda placed in a sleep sphere, it seems that the team is in the clear… for a few minutes. Thankfully, Doctor Strange completely removes them with magic. Whoa! Spider-Man fights them as best as he can. She’s alive again (see MARVEL FANFARE #6 for more detail) and is being hunted down by demons from the Death Dimension. Melinda? Yes, Melinda Morrison, Xandu’s former girlfriend.